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Asia Bio Partnering Forum
September 9–10, 2025Marina Sands Bay, Singapore

Fong Ming Koh
Principal at LYFE Capital


Dr Fong Ming Koh is a Principal at LYFE Capital, a global healthcare investment platform dedicated to advancing the healthcare landscape through strategic value creation. LYFE’s diverse investment portfolio spans the entire healthcare sector, encompassing therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics, and emerging sub-sectors across North America and Asia. Prior to joining LYFE, Fong was the Head of Life Sciences at Heritas Capital, a Singapore-based healthcare-focused impact fund manager. A developmental biologist by training, he has extensive research experience spanning pluripotent stem cells, epigenetics and cancer. Dr Koh received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from the University of California, San Francisco.

Agenda Sessions

  • Asia Bio Partnering Forum Workshop Session 2: Fundraising and capital markets trends for Asia life sciences companies
