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Partnering, Business Development & Licensing

Biotech Week Boston is the hub for the biotech innovation ecosystem

Posted by on 02 July 2019
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The worlds’ preeminent biotech hub, Boston, is the perfect venue for Biotech Week Boston (BWB), held at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, September 9–13.

It is not often that you are able to engage with major aspects of the biotech innovation ecosystem, at one place, at one time. BWB represents such an opportunity, providing one of the most dynamic opportunities for intense partnering and networking of the year. With 12 unique and diverse events under one roof, featuring BioPharm America™, Xconomy-sponsored Awards, Xcelerate Keynote Series and annual Xcelerate Startup Pitch Competition and The Rare Disease Film Festival, Biotech Week Boston is the place to learn and strategically advance business goals.

 By attending BioPharm America, the wider event experience is open to you. This includes two full days of productive scheduled partnering meetings, startup pitches from many of the most exciting startups from the Boston area and beyond, keynotes by some of the most distinguished executives and researchers in the industry, and informal networking with over 4,500 colleagues at a dazzling awards party, an evening of rock and roll, and a myriad of other offerings.

The midweek Boston Festival Party features live music with D’s Keys interactive rock and roll dueling piano show, as well as cocktails, games, an interactive art exhibition, and plenty of opportunities to connect in a fun and relaxing atmosphere.

 Altogether, the smorgasbord of Biotech Week Boston events includes:

  •  BioProcess International Conference and Exhibition
  • Cell & Gene Therapy Bioprocessing & Commercialization
  • Microbiome Therapeutics
  • AI Applications for Drug Discovery and Development
  • An Evening of Diversity and Inclusion
  • Boston BD
  • Life Sciences Compliance Congress for Specialty Products
  • China Focus @ BWB

Join us at BioPharm America during two days of the festival at gain access to a world of biotech partnering possibilities. Find out more.

Biotech Week Boston is the hub for the biotech innovation ecosystem

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