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Market Research

Bob Dylan and Social Media

Posted by on 10 February 2009
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What is in common with Bob Dylan and the New Age Conversation Marketing Paradigm? Lots apparently. Dylan is a change poet. He has thrived on poetic escapades about pop culture and the changing society. If you listen carefully, he might have some profound thoughts on your business.
I created a construct from his songs- about the New Age Marketing.
Just a light hearted way of putting the point across- and Dylan Fans (Who isn't?) will love it.
A sneek Peek here:Here is a dialogue construct between a audience, a traditional thinking marketer (TMM) and a new age engagement Marketer (NAM)- if they had to talk only through the lyrics of Bob Dylan songs (song links indicated- so you can enjoy the songs too!) TTM: (What advertising says to the audience): Baby let me follow you down, baby let me follow you down
Well I'll do anything in this godalmighty world
If you just let me follow you down.
Can I come home with you, baby can I come home with you ? Audience: Not again. Been seduced enough. Something's not right. Not again. Not one more night, not one more kiss,
Not this time baby, no more of this,
Takes too much skill, takes too much will,
It's revealing. NAM to TTM: Look brother- She won't just listen just because you are talking. Engage her. TTM to NAM: Hello? What the hell is that? Where's the control? Where's the quantifying of reach and frequency? How about GRPs of conversation? And how do you measure any of this? NAM: Sigh!
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free? Read on for more on ChasingTheStorm
Actually come to think of it- we could do this more often- Can we take a musician and a topic and build a conversation using the musician's songs and the situation?Examples: Economic crisis and Mark Knopfler; Retrenchments and Rihanna (!), Environmentalism and Creed, etc (Bad examples- but I know you can be more creative than that)


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