CALL FOR PRESENTERS: The Market Research Event 2010

Email by Friday, March 19, 2010
From: Krista Vazquez
Re: The Market Research Event 2010
Event Date: November 8-10, 2010
Location: Hilton Bayfront San Diego, San Diego, CA
Deadline: Friday, March 19th, 2010
Krista Vazquez, Conference Director, The Market Research Event is now recruiting speakers for the 2010 program.
Read on for submission guidelines.
Note: Submission deadline is Friday, March 19, 2010.
Content areas include:
Marketing & Media Mix
In-store Research & Shopper Insights
Research & Social Media
Analytics & Measurement
Marketing & Brand Insights
Management & Leadership
Insight Driven Innovation
Business to Business Research
New Tools, Techniques & Methodologies
NOTE: Suggestions for alternate topics also accepted. Sessions can be presented as a case study or interactive/roundtable discussion.
All submissions must include the following:
1. Compelling and benefit oriented session title
2. 75 word description of proposed topic
3. 2 bullet points identifying key take-aways
4. Short bio for proposed speaker (include name, business title and company)
5. Contact information including e-mail address and phone number for proposed speaker.