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Cell & Gene Therapy International


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September 23-26, 2024
Hynes Convention CenterBoston, MA

Michael Butler
Principal Investigator, Cell Technology at NIBRT


Michael Butler is a Principal Investigator in Cell Technology at the National Institute of Bioprocessing Research & Training (NIBRT), Ireland as well as a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the University of Manitoba, Canada and Adjunct Full Professor in University College Dublin. He holds degrees in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the Universities of Birmingham, London (UK) and Waterloo (Canada) and has held positions as Chief Scientific Officer (NIBRT), Associate Dean of Science (Manitoba) and Scientific Director of MabNet, a Canadian network for Mab production. His research work focuses on the development of bioprocesses using mammalian cells for the production of recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies and viral vaccines, an area in which he has co-authored seven books and over 200 scientific papers.

Agenda Sessions

  • Introduction To Upstream Manufacturing
