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Cell & Gene Therapy International


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September 23-26, 2024
Hynes Convention CenterBoston, MA

Qinghao Zhang
Senior Scientist, Process Cell Sciences at Merck & Co., Inc.


Dr. Qinghao Zhang In 2022 assumed the position of senior scientist at Merck & Co., Inc., bringing with him an expertise spanning over 5 years in the field of cell line development. Prior to his job at Merck, he served as an associate research scientist at Columbia University, where he established a multi-auxotrophic CHO cell line. This innovative method enabled the rapid isolation of diverse or high levels of recombinant proteins' producers.

At Merck, Dr. Zhang has actively participated in various pipeline projects, focusing on both cell line and process technology development. His work has played an important role in advancing and optimizing biologics production processes. Furthermore, he holds a role within Merck's Boston-based Discovery Process Biologics team. In this capacity, he works in close coordination with other functions to expedite and bolster pipeline projects.

Agenda Sessions

  • Recombinant Expression of Matriptase-1 Inhibitor HAI-1 as an Effective Tool to Mitigate Protein Clipping During Production
