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Cell & Gene Therapy International


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September 23-26, 2024
Hynes Convention CenterBoston, MA

Sigma Mostafa, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer at KBI Biopharma


Sigma has over 20 years of experience in process development, process characterization, and manufacturing. At KBI, her team is developing upstream and downstream processes for 40 – 50 therapeutic protein molecules per year. These molecules encompass all phases of development and represent mAbs, bi-specifics & fusion proteins, enzymes, vaccines, and complex glycoproteins. Prior to joining KBI in 2010, she was with Eli Lilly & Co. and Diosynth Biotechnology. At Lilly she led a process development group and was also the high throughput clone selection group and was a CMC Core Team Leader. At Diosynth she was manager of the Cell Culture group and was responsible for developing in-house (Merck) and client processes. Sigma’s expertise are in phase I through commercial process development, scale-up/scale-down, and tech transfer. Sigma received her Ph.D. in Chemical and Biological Engineering from Northwestern University.

Sigma Mostafa, PhD's Network