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Scheduled: Course Starts 26 November 2025, 16 weeks
On-Demand: Start Now!

Mark Williams
Course Leader at Shipping Strategy Ltd


Mark Williams is founder and managing director of Shipping Strategy Ltd, a maritime consultancy and training company based in Cambridge, UK.

Mark is a well-regarded shipping industry personality and ambassador, a top 50 tanker industry leader, often quoted in the press, with BBC news appearances and many articles published.

Mark has held management positions since 2000 and P&L responsibility since 2012. Mark has 23 years’ experience across shipping markets, developing and managing commercial relationships with ship owners, charterers and the wider shipping industry. He has worked at Informa Plc, HSBC, Braemar Shipping Services PLC and Affinity (Shipping) LLP.

Mark speaks on average at eight conferences a year and give dozens of private presentations each year. He is also a guest lecturer at Plymouth and City of London Universities.