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Scheduled: Course Starts 26 November 2025, 16 weeks
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Paul Stuart-Smith
Founder & Director at Zero Carbon Finance Ltd


Paul Stuart-Smith is an entrepreneur and business leader with over 25 years’ experience in management & strategy roles in the maritime industry & financial services sector. He is a former Executive Director at the Baltic Exchange where he set up and ran its regulated subsidiary from 2009-17. He previously held high-profile roles in risk management and business development at Morgan Stanley & Chemical Bank, and was the founder of two independent financial services businesses.

As Founding Director at Zero Carbon Finance and Chief Strategist at JS Global, he provides regulatory, technical & strategic input into developing commercially-focused corporate ESG and sustainability strategies & supporting companies with implementing the TCFD framework. He is trained as a Barrister, has extensive knowledge of ESG-related regulation & policy, and has advised the Climate Bonds Initiative (Shipping Criteria).