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Scheduled: Course Starts 4 June 2025, 12 weeks
On-Demand: Start Now!

Fees, discounts, and other funding sources for this course

Book before or on 21 March 2025

UK Individuals and UK Companies (VAT)
£1799.10 + VAT @ 20%

EU Individuals and EU Companies (No VAT to pay)
£1799.10 | $2250

Individual or Company outside the EU (No VAT to pay)
£1799.10 | $2250

*Vs. standard 2024 course fees

Book after 21 March 2025

UK Individuals and UK Companies (VAT)
£1999 + VAT @ 20%

EU Individuals and EU Companies (No VAT to pay)
£1999 | $2500

Individual or Company outside the EU (No VAT to pay)
£1999 | $2500

Important Information

We regret that we are required to charge VAT on the course fees for all UK individuals and companies enrolling for the course or anyone with a billing address in the UK.

Participants will be billed in either GBP or USD depending on the price option selected on the application form. A GBP invoice will include a EUR price calculated using the exchange rate in force on invoicing.

Course fees are set for each intake, but we reserve the right to change the course fees at any time, including the rate of VAT charged.

Group Discounts Available

Multiple booking discounts may be available when enrolling groups of participants at the same time for the same intake, and invoiced to a single contact.

Email us for more information

Employer Sponsorship

Many companies fully or partly sponsor their employees for our courses and actively encourage personal development in line with company priorities. You should start by discussing your training request with your line manager, training manager or human resources manager to enquire about support available.

Make sure you have thought through your reasons for wanting to do the course and how it will benefit yourself, your job role and your company. Employers can be very positive if you have thought through your reasons for undertaking the course and demonstrate the self-discipline and commitment required to gain maximum benefit from a training programme.

We are always happy to directly talk to you and your manager to answer any questions about the course. We’re here to help you so please contact us without delay.

Marine Society Scholarship

The Marine Society is the leading and most experienced not for profit organisation supporting the wellbeing, personal and professional development of seafarers and shore-based maritime professionals. Scholarships as well as interest-free loans may be offered to UK seafarers (officers and ratings domiciled in the UK) to undertake this course.

Contact The Marine Society for more information: