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Scheduled: Course Starts 4 June 2025, 12 weeks
On-Demand: Start Now!

Alex McIntosh
Partner at Clyde & Co LLP


Alex McIntosh is a partner at Clyde & Co. LLP, the international law firm where he has worked as a shipping lawyer since 1987. He has worked in London and Hong Kong, and is now based in Piraeus. Alex advises ship owners, charterers, defence and P&I Club, traders and lenders on the practical and legal aspects of all types of shipping contracts. Alex has advised on disputes for clients all over the world and has handled court proceedings, arbitrations and mediations in many countries. Alex is a supporting member of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association, and a member of the Baltic Exchange. Alex has lectured extensively on shipping related matters and is the Course Director for the LMA Certificate in Chartering Distance Learning course.