Scheduled: Course Starts 1 May 2025, 12 weeks
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Barry JervisAuthor at Lloyd's Maritime AcademyTrainer
A retired vocational member of Lloyd's, a retired supporting member of London Maritime Arbitration Association and a member of the British Insurance Law Association.
He started work at Lloyd's in 1961 adjusting marine and aviation claims for a Lloyd's syndicate and was claims manager, director and deputy underwriter for various syndicates from 1968 until 1988. From 1989 until his retirement in 1992 he was company secretary, compliance officer and finance director of a Lloyd's underwriting agency. From 1975 until 2003 he was a tutor for the Chartered Insurance Institute Tuition Service in marine, aviation, financial regulation and re-insurance subjects. He was a senior examiner for 10 years for both Associate and Fellowship subjects of the Chartered Insurance Institute qualifying exams in the marine and aviation branch. A visiting lecturer at the Chartered Insurance Institute’s College of Insurance for the last thirty years, he was the author of the Associate and Fellowship course books published by the Chartered Insurance Institute from 1976 - 1992 approximately 15 books. He was course director for 10 years of the London International Shipping Summer School.
His book on marine insurance was published in the autumn of 2005 (Reeds Marine Insurance). From 1995 until 2013 he lectured at London Metropolitan and other universities / colleges within the United Kingdom and Europe on marine insurance, arbitration, maritime law and financial regulation. He has lectured on European Union funded insurance training programs in Russia and Vietnam and is a member of the IMO panel of experts. He has also lectured on marine, aviation, financial regulation and reinsurance for the Chartered Insurance Institute in the Caribbean, Turkey and Mexico.
He also acts as an arbitrator and expert witness in insurance and trade disputes internationally. He held a pilot’s licence (both powered aircraft and gliders) until 1990 now a qualified helmsman; he acts as volunteer captain of boats operated by an educational and historic trust on the Grand Union Canal.