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Scheduled: 1 September 2025, 12 weeks
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Stephen McKenny
Course Leader at Lloyd's Maritime Academy


Steve is a competent, experienced, operationally focused integrity specialist and Technical Authority with 22 years’ experience in upstream oil and gas mechanical engineering in pipelines and pressure systems for both onshore and offshore assets.

Steve has considerable experience in implementing and then continuously improving integrity management systems; the systems he has implemented have brought significant risk reduction, operational uptime and cost savings to assets while ensuring safety and environmental protection.

Through a combination of sound professional knowledge and operational experience Steve has gained solid knowledge in understanding and managing pipeline and Major Accident Hazard risk. He has held responsibility for the integrity and operational management of some of the UK’s most strategic offshore assets, including the Rough Field, Forties Field and the SAGE gas pipeline.

His experience spans all aspects of mechanical integrity including defect assessment, Risk Based Assessment, anomaly management, data management, inspection planning and execution, pigging management, management systems and audit.

Steve prides himself on his ability to build and develop relationships at all levels of an organisation both internally and externally with partners and regulators.