Scheduled: Course Starts 17 November 2025, 12 weeks
On-Demand: Start Now!
Scheduled: Course Starts 17 November 2025, 12 weeks
On-Demand: Start Now!
An introduction to ship finance in today's changing marketplace
A pathway to our 12-months online Diploma in Ship Finance and Vessel Ownership.

Certificate in Ship Finance
Core Modules
- Module 1 - The ship finance market
- Module 2 - Traditional bank finance (1)
- Module 3 - Traditional bank finance (2)
- Module 4 - Equity finance for shipping
- Module 5 - Capital markets finance for shipping
- Module 6 - Lease finance in shipping
What you'll learn
- Introduction to the current state of the market
- Getting the deal done, the credit process and transaction steps
- Analysis of a typical loan agreement and ship mortgage terms
- Equity finance for shipping and the role of private equity funds
- Stock placements and bond issues
- Tax leveraged leasing
How you'll learn
Every course is broken down into manageable modules, designed to accelerate your learning process through diverse learning activities:
- Work through your instructional material online
- Interact with your peers and learning facilitators through the online forum to discuss subject related issues and to network with your fellow learners
- Investigate relevant, real-world case studies
- Apply what you learn each week to ongoing project submissions
Your Digital Badge!
You can now have a digital version of your Lloyd’s Maritime Academy Certification!
Powered by Credly, your Lloyd’s Maritime Academy Digital Badge is an online version of your credentials that contains a description of your Award, Demonstrated Skills and what it took to obtain your Certificate qualification.
Also, your Digital Badge allows you to get labor market insights data including job openings, salary ranges and selected top employers, and you can display the badge in your email signature, electronic copies of your resume and on social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter!