Siobhain CoxDirector, Compliance Advisory at BlackRockSpeaker
Siobhain Cox, is a Director in the EMEA Line of Business Compliance team at BlackRock. Siobhain leads a team which is responsible for providing compliance advice to EMEA ETF & Index Investments, EMEA iShares & Wealth (including Charities and Investment Trusts) and EMEA Cash Management (including the Cachematrix business & platform). Siobhain is also the Compliance advisor to BlackRock Life Limited and its Board of Directors.
Siobhain was lead compliance advisor to the Consumer Duty project at BlackRock with over 100 people working on the project across 10 workstreams. Three of BlackRock’s UK legal entities are in scope for Consumer Duty and work continues on phase two of the project to deliver the first annual assessments to the three UK legal entity Boards as well as finalizing the work on the Distributor Feedback Template work due in Q1.