Business Strategy
Dad's wallet is open. His heart and mind are too.

- Kitty Hart, Capsule
Jen Drolet and Julia Eisenberg from iModerate provided a deep-dive into understanding Dads of today and what motivates them.
A study was done with 2,500 dads with kids living at home. They were asked about what they put in their cart, what they see in retail, who is with them and how they felt. Interesting to see that statistics show dads are becoming the new "regular" shopper. In fact, 80% of millennial dads are becoming the primary shopper or at least equally sharing the responsibility.
Well, we always knew dad was a softy, but the research definitely put some insight behind this theory.
Dad's wallet is open as are his heart and mind.
In a snapshot, the study shows dad is brand loyal, adventurous, convenience-driven, less phased by price and seeks information. While mom seeks value and deals, dad is actually less concerned with price. See, we're not always the spenders.
The findings support the fact that he is primed for impulse purchases. So what circumstances lead to these purchases? What can retailers do to motivate dad? To answer these questions, research needed to uncover how dad feels.
Using the Luminoso text mining tool iModerate was able to dig into the language they use to describe their experiences.
Why do dads impulse buy?
They have cravings. They want to reward. Dads love convenience and they love to treat and/or indulge their loved ones as well as themselves. Dads are brand loyal so if they see a trusted brand come forward with something new, they are apt to try it. And, dad will impulse buy if he sees a good deal.
We are all kids at heart.
Part of the study included a look at how impulse purchases differ when dad is alone versus with kids. Well, well, well. Check this out. When dad is alone, he fills his cart with ice cream, chips, beef jerky, beer, tools and electronics. Wait, was the study done on adults or teenagers?
When dad shopped with kids in tow, the impulse purchases included less beer, fewer tools, toys, DVDs, candy and games. Dad rocks!
Research showed that dads feel amazing, appreciated, proud and accomplished when they can treat or indulge their kids. But don't worry, there is also some conflict here about spoiling or creating ungrateful kids. As with everything, it's another example of a need for balance.
One brand doing a great job in speaking directly to these dads of today is Cheerios and their recent #HowToDad by Cheerios campaign.
If this spot doesn't make you want to be a super-hero dad, there's something wrong with you.
So, how can brands tap into dad's open wallet?
Within the store environment, prompt dad in the following ways. Create opportunities to treat his family, to share experiences, to make memories. Helping dad reminisce about his childhood and helping him embrace his status as a parent are highly motivational. Dad wants to feel cool, successful and have great feelings about his kids in general.
So dads, let go of the macho persona. We know you're all just big teddy bears.
I am the HartofCapsule, caring for our clients, friends, colleagues and partners. When I'm not deep in strategy and design thought, I dream of belting out Diana Krall tunes in the blue haze of a nightclub. Until that dream is realized, I help Capsule's clients understand and rise above business challenges through designed conversations.