Lorimer Fellingham. at .Speaker
Lorimer is a chartered chemical and nuclear engineer, radiation protection professional and certified radioactive waste advisor. He has a strong research background in high temperature chemistry, chemical reaction engineering, thermodynamics, mass spectrometry and mathematical modelling.
He has spent 35 years working in the UK nuclear industry for UKAEA, AEA Technology, RWE Nukem and Nuvia on various aspects of radioactive waste management, decommissioning and environmental restoration. He led R&D teams on conditioning various Sellafield, Magnox and DSRL and RSRL ILW and HLW streams, becoming the Radioactive Waste Management R&D Programme and Business Manager at Harwell. He managed the Waste Disposal Experimental Studies and Site Remediation departments of AEA Technology.
He has been the project or technical manager on many major projects, including the Harwell Environmental Remediation Programme, the rehabilitation of the former UK nuclear weapons test site at Maralinga, the remediation of the Southern Storage Area, various NORM sites in the United Kingdom and overseas and the 2012 Olympic Park in London. He has worked on major nuclear projects for UK Government (DEFRA, DTi/DECC and MoD), BNFL/Magnox, British Energy/EdF, Nirex/NDA/RWM, AWE, UKAEA/RSRL/DSRL/Magnox and the CEC, etc, at various sites in the UK and overseas, including Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech and Slovak Republics, Albania, Australia, Canada and South Africa.
He has represented the UK on CEC and NEA waste management committees and chaired many IAEA Technical Committees on different aspects of waste management, decommissioning, environmental restoration, safety and quality assurance.