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Finovate Edge: Asia
Date TBC
Date TBC

Demo your latest innovation

Only at Finovate

In 2007, Finovate launched its event series with live, fast-paced, 7-minute demos. In 2021, we retooled the demo experience for digital events.

All demos are shown during the event's general session and are also available on-demand before the event. This boosts networking for both demoers and attendees -- demoers have more warm leads and brand awareness going into the event and attendees have more time to view the demos to see which companies they want to do business with.

What has not changed is that Finovate is still spotlighting dozens of new technologies at each event. And -- as always -- these aren't just short-hand pitches; they're real product demos with zero slides. If you're working on something new, apply now.

Why Finovate?

Whether physical or digital, Finovate's successful events are built on four core principles:


The focus of Finovate events. Demos are shown on the main stage in the general session -- not in a track or the exhibition area like at other events. And lineups are curated for diversity and selectivity. Because of this, demoers have the attention of hundreds of senior fintech decision-makers at the event.


Only demos. No shorthand pitches, no slides, and no videos allowed. A live demo is the best way to show your potential buyers, partners and investors how your tech can benefit them.

Greg Palmer, VP of Finovate, joins each digital demo so that speakers are talking to an audience, not just a blank void. Digital demos are professionally recorded and edited and include Q&A from Greg, creating an engaging back and forth.


Finovate builds the demo lineup from hundreds of inquiries across the full breadth of new financial services technology. Lineups are curated for diversity, to offer something for everyone in the audience, something that they need to see.

Past demos have included technology focused on digital transformation, digital and mobile banking, payments, security, identity, investment, wealthtech, lending, compliance, regtech, insurtech and more.


A powerful platform to find customers, network with peers, raise funding and discover partners. This includes exposure to hundreds of senior fintech leaders during the event and to 100,000s of fintech professionals via pre-event marketing. Add to that, lifetime coverage of company news, awards and wins by Finovate analysts to our robust community.

Hall of Fame

While you’ve probably heard of the companies below, you may not know they demoed at FinovateAsia conferences. They went on to become unicorns, famous for acquisitions, funding, key partnerships with major financial institutions, and more.

FinovateAsia was one step on their ladder to success – will you be next?

Selection Criteria

Finovate conferences are open to startup, established and public companies with new financial services technology. This results in a highly competitive selection process. Hundreds of inquiries and applications are reviewed when selecting the demo lineup.

While you may be contacted for more information, most companies are chosen based solely on their application. Please ensure the application is filled out as completely as possible with the below criteria in mind.


Is the technology new or with material developments? Do you have a substantial announcement about expanding your technology's reach?


Is the approach original and innovative? How big of a technological/logical leap does it make?


What is the potential to make an impact? Disrupt the market?

Wow Factor

Does it make us sit up and take notice?


What other applications are in the same space? Different is good.

Entry Date

Selections for the demo lineup are made on a rolling basis -- the earlier you apply, the more likely you are to be selected. Also if we're seeing clusters of similar solutions, date of application may be the tiebreaker.

Casper Wong



It was an amazing platform for launching our latest innovation and helped us get attention from serious financial services investors.

Digital Demo Package

Finovate is committed to providing demoing companies with the best digital platform and demo package to make them look polished and professional, while driving measurable ROI.



  • Prerecorded 7-minute digital demo session showcasing your technology with VP, Greg Palmer.
  • Demo recording available on demand through the event platform before, during, and after the event, plus shown live in the event's general session.
  • Virtual Hub for displaying marketing assets (videos, products, white papers, documents, etc.), fielding attendee inquiries, and meeting scheduling with company reps

  • Two free digital tickets for your speakers to the event

  • 60% discounted digital tickets for your contacts and colleagues to the event

  • 20% discounted digital tickets for your followers

  • 30-minute demo recording rehearsal with Greg Palmer

  • Chance to win the coveted Best of Show award

Digital Demo Pricing

There's no application deadline to demo. Please apply as soon as possible -- not only will there be more time to market your selection, but demo slots will also fill up.

If your company is selected to demo, the fee depends on the below company stages.

  • Seed: Less than $100k in annual revenue and less than $1M in total funding: $995 USD
  • Early: $100k-$1M in annual revenue, $1M-$5M in total funding: $1,995 USD
  • Expansion: $1M-$5M in annual revenue, $5M-$25M in total funding: $2,995
  • Established: More than $5M in annual revenue or more than $25M in total funding: $4,995
  • Public: Any company that is publicly listed on any stock exchange: $5,995

*When between categories, select the advanced category (i.e., If your company's revenue is early stage while your funding is expansion, you must select expansion on the application).

Best of Show

At every Finovate conference, the audience chooses the companies that win "Best of Show" -- a handful of companies who made an outstanding impression with their demo.

Winners from the last FinovateAsia included Bereev and TheWaay.

Learn more about the winners!