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IVT Network
Unlimited Validation Knowledge Awaits...

About IVT Network

IVT Network is the trusted source for life science validation and compliance professionals to access the most current and relevant industry and regulatory knowledge.

Since 1994, the Institute of Validation Technology (IVT) has been dedicated to expanding the global knowledge base for validation and compliance professionals in FDA-regulated industries. Starting as two peer-reviewed publications, the Journal of Validation Technology (JVT) and the Journal of GXP Compliance (GXP), IVT has since evolved into IVT Network, a digital platform dedicated to providing professionals with a world of knowledge at the click of a button.

Our members have exclusive access to unparalleled information through distinguished peer- reviewed journals, training videos, special editions, protocols, SOPs, whitepapers, conferences, webinars, networking events, and more.

IVT Network is growing, and we want to share our excitement and resources with YOU!

While the past year has provided many opportunities for pivoting, planning, and persevering, one thing is certain – everyone had to adapt and change. At IVT we are happy to say that many of those changes included growth – in both audience and reach.

Assoc. Director, Regulatory Affairs

Johnson & Johnson

Utilizing the tools and resources of IVT Network helps you get ahead, and STAY AHEAD on industry trends, regulatory expectations, and best practice protocols.