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IVT Network
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IVT Awards

2021 IVT Awards Recipients Recognized

Congratulations to the 2021 IVT Awards Recipients!

The team at IVT Network, together with our Esteemed Advisory Board, are proud to announce the recipients of the 2021 IVT Awards. These annual awards recognize the outstanding authors, speakers, podcast guests and presenters, who keep our audience informed and forward thinking.

Nominees for author of the year (both JVT and GXP) are selected by their peers, based on articles published and topics covered, which have been integral to learning and knowledge share across industry throughout the year. The podcast of the year is presented to the individual or panel receiving the greatest number of downloads and listens. Finally, our speakers of the year are selected by vote from attendees of the sessions as the most impactful and engaging in their presentations for the associated event.

Each of the 2021 award recipients represents the best and the brightest of the industry and serves as a daily reminder of the dedication and fortitude it takes to consistently impact positive outcomes for patients. The Awards ceremony took place on October 26, 2021 during the Validation Week event.

And the 2021 winners are…


Kenneth G. Chapman was a significant contributor to many of the common policies and practices of modern pharmaceutical manufacturing including validation. He was instrumental in developing what has evolved into the quality systems approach to auditing and inspections, and also played a role in what later became QbD and design space concepts. Since his passing in 2006, IVT has presented an annual award in his name to honor his many significant contributions. This is the most prestigious award delivered annually by IVT and serve to highlight an exemplary professional who not only gives back to the industry, but also to the next generation of validation professionals.

This year this esteemed honor goes to Valarie King-Bailey.


The Journal of Validation Technology is a peer reviewed journal exclusively dedicated to providing practical approaches to conducting effective validations. With 6 issues published digitally each year, it is a comprehensive guide to industry publishing information on a variety of subjects including computer and IT, facilities, equipment, statistics, processes, methods, cleaning, utilities, and calibration. Each issue also includes protocol templates, SOPs, or master plans on disk that can be readily customized to meet specific needs.

For their article Lifecycle for Legacy Powder for Oral Suspension. Stage 3 Validation Monitoring, this award goes to Sanjay Sharma, Amol Galande, Ajay Babu Pazhayattil and Jordan Collins.