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IVT Network
Unlimited Validation Knowledge Awaits...

Rizwan Sharnez
Founder & President at Cleaning Validation Solutions


Rizwan Sharnez, PhD is Scientific Director at Amgen, Colorado. Previously he worked for Merck & Co. in West Point, Pennsylvania and BioSeparations Inc. in Tucson, Arizona. Rizwan has over 20 years experience in biopurification, pharmaceutical manufacturing, process development, and validation. Rizwan has authored 38 scientific publications, holds 11 patents, and has given over 40 presentations at professional conferences. He serves on the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Validation Technology (JVT) and the Journal of GXP Compliance; he also writes a column called New Perspectives on Cleaning for JVT. Rizwan has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and is an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology.