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IVT Network
Unlimited Validation Knowledge Awaits...

Tim Sandle
Pharmaceutical Microbiologist at Bio Products Laboratory Limited


Tim Sandle, PhD is a pharmaceutical microbiologist, with over 25 years of experience, who has worked for different healthcare organizations and pharmaceutical companies, in microbiology and broader quality roles. Dr. Sandle currently works for an international sterile products manufacturer and he is additionally a visiting tutor with the University of Manchester (lecturing in pharmaceutical microbiology), a committee member of the Pharmaceutical Microbiology Interest Group (Pharmig), and a supporter of several other societies relating to pharmaceuticals and healthcare, including IVT. Dr. Sandle also serves on a number of advisory committees and standards boards. Dr. Sandle has written or edited over 25 books, more than 100 book chapters, over 125 peer reviewed papers and some 400 technical articles. Dr. Sandle is a regular presenter at conferences and webinars, having delivered over 150 presentations.