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IVT Network
Unlimited Validation Knowledge Awaits...

Willis Thomas
Compliance, Research, Measurement at PQE Group


Willis H. Thomas, PhD, PMP, CPT has worked for large corporations and academic institutions in the areas of human resources, learning and development, quality assurance, project management, sales and marketing, measurement and evaluation, and operations. He has been in senior management for life sciences companies for the past 15 years.

Dr. Thomas, in his current full time role, is involved in preventing and reducing human error from an HR perspective. He is also adjunct faculty at the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, International Institute for Learning and Institute of Validation Technology. Dr. Thomas’ publications have received global recognition from associations such as the Project Management Institute (PMI) where he received the Cleland Award for “The Basics of Project Evaluation and Lessons Learned.” This book was an 8-year effort that enhanced the framework for the evaluation of projects using the PMBOK® Guide.

He has also been a featured speaker on an international basis and has received the Apex Publication Excellence Award for implementing useful tools for project management, evaluation and training, and a member of the speaking faculty for IVT since 2005 and responsible for US Human Resources for PQE Group, Inc. In addition, he holds the certified performance technologist certification (CPT) from