Application Deadline 3th October 2025
Ferdinando BrunoLecturer at LJMUTrainer
Ferdinando has a wealth of experience both in a legal career with over a decade of experience to give you practical advise but also over a decade of lecturing and research experience having taught a wide range of law courses over these years. Ferdinando is also an author of well over 100 articles implementing his experience and knowledge to provide firm foundations for future scholars.
- Executive Master in Business Administration - EMBA
Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
Lecturer of Business Law (2017 - present) - Appointed Professor of "The Law and Practice of International Capital Markets"
Master in Banking & Finance, in Financial Communication, and in Economic Policy
Università della Svizzera italiana, Faculty of Economics, Lugano, Switzerland (2011 - 2019) - Appointed Professor of "International Fiscal System and Financial Instruments", Master in Banking & Finance, in Financial Communication, and in Economic Policy
Università della Svizzera italiana, Faculty of Economics, Lugano, Switzerland (2006 - 2019) - Master in Company Law, IPSOA, Wolters Kluwer
Lecturer of the modules: “New tools of the financing for companies” and “Extraordinary corporate actions in international law and insolvency law” (2016) - Academic coordinator of the Master in International and Domestic Banking Law, IPSOA, Wolters Kluwer, Milan, Italy (2011 - 2015)
- Master in Company Law, Il Sole 24 ore, Milan, Italy
Lecturer of the module: "Use of debt financial instruments: Eurobonds and retail bonds" (2009 - 2015) - Academic coordinator of the Master in Law and Economy of Financial Markets, IPSOA, Wolters Kluwer, Milan, Italy
Lecturer of the module: "The placement of financial instruments" (2009 - 2014) - Academic coordinator of the Master in International and Comparative Insolvency and Restructuring, IPSOA, Wolters Kluwer, Milan, Italy (2014)
- Academic coordinator of the Executive Course in Corporate Restructuring, MIP - The Business School of Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy (2013)
- Academic coordinator of the Master in Derivatives, IPSOA, Wolters Kluwer, Milan, Italy (2011)
- Appointed Professor of M&A and Private Equities, Master in Finance, European School of Economics, Milan, Italy (2010)
- Appointed Professor of Business Law - Post Graduate School for Italian Bar Exam - University of Milan, Italy (2009 -2010)
- Fondazione Cassamarca - UniCredit S.p.A., Conegliano (Treviso), Italy (2009)
Master in The New Europe Master in Banking and Entrepreneurship
Lecturer for the module "Legal, compliance and practical aspects of European retail and institutional debt capital markets" - Sole appointed Professor of the course in "International Capital Markets", European School of Economics (ESE), Milan, Italy (2008)
- Appointed Professor of "International Trade and Financial Markets", European School of Economics (ESE), Milan (2008)
- Executive Master "Legal Activity in Banking", Captha, Milan, Italy (2008)
Lecturer of the module "Banks’ funding in the domestic capital market and in the Euromarket" - Lecturer for Master in "Corporate Finance & Investment Banking", arranged by Borsa Italiana and MIP Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy (2008)
- Appointed professor of European Union law, University of Brescia, Italy (2006 - 2007)
- Teaching and research in Insolvency Law, University Federico II of Naples (2002)
- Teaching and research in Commercial and Business Law, University Federico II (2002)