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Cell & Gene Therapy
Cell and gene therapy

Novel analytical strategies and tools for cell and gene therapies - WHITEPAPER

Posted by on 20 August 2020
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The roadmap for non-traditional biologics, such as cell therapies, gene therapies and gene-edited cell therapies, is sometimes vague and can lead to many challenges.

This whitepaper examines the latest analytical approaches and tools to optimize production processes such as characterization, stability and release testing.

The paper also explores:

  • Vector characterization and cell potency assays
  • Flow cytometry to classify the phenotype of cell therapy products
  • Rapid Sterility Testing
  • New technologies for cell enumeration & viability
  • mRNA therapies
  • Off-target effects
  • Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

Click the image at the top of the page or here to explore the whitepaper.

This piece represents the views of the author and not necessarily the views of Informa Connect Life Sciences.

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