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Ottawa Real Estate Forum

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Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Chairs’ Reception – October 1, 2024Shaw Centre, Ottawa

Kevin Radford
Partner at Deloitte Canada


Kevin Radford is the Deloitte National Real Estate Leader and a Partner in our Financial Advisory practice. He is based in Ottawa, bilingual, and is focused on providing real estate (RE) advisory services to public sector clients, as well as those in many private sector markets (retail, telecom, power generation, mid-market office, higher education, health, etc.). He ensures that client portfolios enable transformational change for their businesses or programs. In most market sectors, Kevin has been adept at helping Corporate Real Estate teams focus on the right target operating model to ensure their portfolio assets are optimized, and the employees within those assets have a workplace where they thrive. Prior to joining Deloitte, he was a high performing senior executive in the Government of Canada with extensive experience in large-scale, national level RE, Information Technology (IT), and Security Operations with strong program delivery credentials for purposeful business transformation and enablement, optimization, and service management. He brings significant expertise in large, complex ($B+) RE, IT, and Capital Equipment procurement, as well as in strategic project management delivering consistently outstanding results while working with very large national teams. He has strong leadership in building and focusing national teams on program optimization, business transformation service delivery excellence, client engagement, and outcomes management maintaining disciplined oversight and performance management of $25B+ of assets, including multi-billion-dollar service contracts. His selection by the Clerk of the Privy Council to lead the consolidation of all back-office IT operations for over 43 departments/agencies and lead over 5,000 new employees under a new department/structure at Shared Services Canada (SSC) and then again at PSPC to transition the Real Property Branch into a service-based organization is indicative of the confidence senior government executives have in his leadership and ability to redesign and transform business operations. Kevin has a flawless reputation and integrity to negotiate partnerships and work closely with other government departments, other nations, federal committees, and industry executives. He has established credibility as a tenacious but respectful go-to operational leader, capable of tackling extremely complex, high-risk challenges. As the former Assistant Deputy Minister of Real Estate Services for the Federal Government Office Portfolio (70M ft2 ) nationally, the largest RE portfolio in Canada, he was also charged with transitioning this ‘branch’ (3,700 employees) into a service-oriented organization. Passionate about workplace, under his leadership the ‘branch’ was converted to the Real Property Services organization leading the government’s workplace transition from the WP 2.0 standard to the new GC Workplace standard nationally, including the creation of the first ever GC coworking sites.

Agenda Sessions

  • Downtown Ottawa: Transforming the core of Canada’s Capital City
