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Ottawa Real Estate Forum

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Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Chairs’ Reception – October 1, 2024Shaw Centre, Ottawa

Trevor Freeman
Supervisor, Key Accounts at Hydro Ottawa


Trevor is the Supervisor of Hydro Ottawa’s Key Accounts team, which supports the National Capital’s largest electricity customers. In this role, he and his team help connect these customers to the wide array of expertise and services that Hydro Ottawa has when it comes to energy. He regularly supports customers on their energy and decarbonization journeys, while also supporting advocacy and regulatory efforts to help the energy industry evolve with the changing energy landscape. Trevor also hosts Hydro Ottawa’s ThinkEnergy podcast, driving conversations with industry experts about the energy transition and decarbonisation. Trevor is a Professional Engineer, who is passionate about working toward solutions to climate change, and has spent his career helping building owners improve their buildings. Prior to joining Hydro Ottawa, he was a sustainability consultant.

Agenda Sessions

  • Session B1 - Integrating sustainable development projects: What to consider for development projects, conversions and retrofitting buildings
