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Pre-event Workshop - EPR Toolkit Workshop
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Pre-event Workshop - EPR Toolkit Workshop
09:30 - 10:00
Registration & Welcome Coffee
10:00 - 10:10
Chairperson Introduction
- Joachim Quoden - Managing Director, EXPRA
10:10 - 10:50
Data and Reporting
- The future packaging registry – how to set up what exactly?
- Which data will we need in the future for determining the fees, the recyclability of our packaging etc?
- Sabine Strnad - Global Lead Circular Economy and Packaging, Henkel
- Gunda Rachut - Chair, Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister
10:50 - 11:30
Coffee & Networking Break
11:30 - 12:20
Fee Modulation
- Overview about the current solutions
- Modulation and the future Recyclable grades - how can it fit?
- How can recycled content be integrated into a fee modulation system?
- Mike Jefferson - Director, Verde Research and Consulting Ltd
- Luca Stramare - Director of the Research Centre for the Circular Economy, CONAI
- Henrik Nilsson - Head of Business Development & Public Relations, Näringslivets Producentansvar
12:20 - 13:20
Lunch & Networking Break
13:20 - 13:55
Integrating Reuse into EPR Schemes
- Best practices from 3 countries – EPR as enabler of Re-use solutions
- Emmanuelle Bautista - Director for European and International Affairs, Citeo
- Francis Huysman - CEO, Valipac
13:55 - 14:40
Boosting Infrastructure and Performance within an EPR system
- Adapting the infrastructure to the future needs of a recycled at scale situation for all packaging
- Challenges for countries lagging behind
- The role of the whole EPR stakeholder chain to make it work
- Romina Giovannetti - Head of EU Public Affairs, Ecoembes
- Thomas De Meester - Public and Regulatory Affairs Manager, Fost Plus
- Graham Houlder - Managing Director - SLOOP Consulting, Founder and Project Coordinator CEFLEX
- Romane Colleu - European Affairs Advisor, CITEO
14:40 - 15:10
Coffee & Networking Break
15:10 - 15:50
Ecommerce and (national) EPR – A contradiction per se?
- Different roles and responsibilities? - Producer / Platform / EPR System / Enforcement authorities
- How to find a balance between the number of obligated companies, the need for good data and the ability to monitor and enforce?
- Marc Guiraud - Secretary General, EucoLight
- Juliette Beaulaton - Policy Director, Ecommerce Europe
15:50 - 16:30
What`s next in EPR? - Future Trends and Innovations in EPR
- The Global Plastic Treaty – Can we roll out EPR to all countries?
- Is there any breakthrough new technology at the sky?
- Harmonisation – Buzzword or reality?
- Jens Nießmann - Managing Director, Reclay Group
- Axel Darut - Founder of Circulearth, Circular Economy Policy Consultant
- Jodie Roussell - Global Public Affairs Lead, Packaging and Sustainabilty, Nestlé SA
- Helen Millicer - CEO, One Planet Consulting
16:30 - 16:40
Closing Remarks by the Chairperson & Close of Seminar
- Joachim Quoden - Managing Director, EXPRA