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5 tips for partnering success

No need to agree on a time and date, partneringONE schedules all agreed meetings for you.

Complete your company, personal and asset profiles

Provide as much detail in your profiles as possible, as this allows other attendees to find you via keywords.

  • In your company profile, ensure the company description/summary field is filled in as this will show on your search preview.
  • In your personal profile, take the time to explain who you are and your partnering objectives. Remember to include a profile picture and a company logo.

Don’t forget to publish! Sending meeting requests with a complete profile sets you up for success from the start. Companies with a completed profile are more likely to have their meeting requests accepted.

Be proactive

Send requests out as early as possible.

Schedules fill up quickly — be mindful that some people may max-out their availability. Do not wait until the week before the conference to solicit meetings.

Subject lines matter

Remember, your messages and meeting requests will be competing with those from other attendees. Some attendees may receive hundreds of invitations.

The recipient should see that the meeting is of value upfront with a well-crafted subject line. Generic “Let’s meet” subjects will get overlooked. Direct, specific subject lines will get you noticed.

Get specific with your message content

Generic text in the message decreases your chances of landing a meeting.

Take the time to give details on your intentions. Do not pressure, but be clear, concise, and compelling. Long, rambling messages are not likely to be read in full, so be thoughtful — keep the focus on what YOU have to offer them, not what THEY may have for you.

Customize your message!


Accept or decline incoming requests – only accepted meetings will be scheduled for you.

You can send a follow up message through partneringONE by clicking on the ‘Reply’ button in the message stream. You can also opt to disclose your contact information via the partneringONE system to ensure they can follow up with you.

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