
Find your ideal partner for out-licensing success

Identifying the right partner is about more than a financial investment. The right partner has the knowledge, network, and insights to propel your business to new heights. With partneringONE plus you will find the connections to champion your asset and move it towards commercial success.

You already have a shortlist of companies you are trying to partner with...

The problem is your competitors have the exact same list.

Our solution:partneringONE plus database

  • See the complete picture of potential partners across all events not just one event.
  • Find the right person responsible for a therapeutic area with advanced search and contact them year-round.
  • Plan your partnering strategy and make the most of your resources.

The result: Until now, your access to this data was limited to the scope of the event. Now you can join the dots and have a single year-round strategy to reach people and assets at exactly the right time.

You don’t want to miss out on opportunities...

But you need to attend the right events to maximise your ROI

Our solution: Advanced search and filtering, designed for out-licensors, lets you interrogate the partnering database.

  • Set up alerts to help you identify the right events to attend.
  • View your corporate history with a company across all events so you can build on your existing network.
  • Reach out ahead of event partnering opening to help your company get noticed

The result: Maximum partnering efficiency and effectiveness

The event is over, but the hard work is just getting started...

Let’s make it easier

Our solution:partneringONE plus pipeline management tools

  • Day goodbye to cumbersome spreadsheets. Build a pipeline tracker to suit you needs.
  • No need to cross-reference against spreadsheets or a CRM with seamless event integration
  • Set up alerts to receive updates on your prospects, making follow-up effortless.

The result: Stay ahead of the competition, develop the optimal follow-up strategy, and save time to focus on what matters – signing the deal!