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Partnering best practices for service providers

Improve your company's reputation by following these guidelines

For every 100 requests sent, there will be some requests that never get a response: on average about 20% are accepted, 35% stay pending, and about 45% are declined. The goal is to increase the accepted rate and decrease the unproductive time spent on declines and those that never get a response.

Find companies likely to respond

When searching for companies use the 'partnering goals' filter under the company category to find companies which are interested in chargeable services. Start building your shortlist based on companies seeking services.

Review your partnering history

The history icon is visible when you click through to view the full profiles of companies with whom you have previously met. Skip companies who have recently declined your requests. Your company can only send 150 pending requests, so think carefully about who is worth reaching out to, especially if they have declined recently.

Review company objectives

Check each company's listed partnering objectives. If there is an alignment with your offer, then this is a good target for you.

Do your research

Carefully review relevant company profiles, and send requests to priority, high-value targets. Use the tagging system to create a shortlist before sending requests.

Compose personalized, brief requests

Requests should have a clear, specific subject line and a short customized message that proves you read the other company's profile.

A short message is more likely to be read.

Anyone interested in meeting with you will go to your profile to read details about your company so ensure it is complete.

Target specific assets to improve your response and acceptance rate.

Partnering news and insights

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