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PayTech Awards
26 June 2025
Honourable Artillery CompanyLondon

Paul Schaus
Managing Partner at CCG Catalyst


Paul Schaus is the Managing Partner and Founder of CCG Catalyst. CCG is a leading global financial services management consulting firm. Paul is also the Founder and Managing Partner of the Bankers Fintech Council.

CCG Catalyst Consulting

Paul Schaus has extensive experience in the banking world. This includes being a banker, management consultant and strategist for over 30 years. With over 15 years focused on consulting, and more than 20 years serving in executive management positions within the banking community in Washington D.C., Texas, and Europe. Paul is renowned for his bank consulting expertise.

With Paul leading CCG, the firm has advised hundreds of clients and led major engagements globally including strategy, payments, digital, de novo banking, merger / acquisition, products & services, market, board and management development, tactical performance, profitability improvement and technology utilization.

Bankers Fintech Council

Paul has taken his interest and knowledge of Fintech, by creating the Bankers Fintech Council, a partnership with CCG Catalyst and AZ Bankers Association. This innovative council provides unique opportunities for FinTech, BankTech and Banks to work together under one umbrella. The Council generates new opportunities technology companies to connect with Banks. Participants include diverse institutions with community, regional, super-regional and money center banks. Other Bankers Fintech Council stakeholders come from the US Department of Commerce, International Trade Delegations, various State Governments, and academia arenas such as Arizona State University.


  • PCBS Graduate School of Banking, specializing in Corporate Banking
  • BA Business Administration, Management and Operations, University of Maryland