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Pharma Forum EMEA
4-6 November 2024
Amsterdam Marriott HotelAmsterdam, The Netherlands

Pierre Metrailler
CEO at SpotMe


Pierre is an event technology pioneer and industry veteran with over 20 years of experience. He joined SpotMe in 2001 when a passionate group of micro engineers was developing a networking device to facilitate in-person interactions at meetings and conferences. Pierre expanded the vision to pervasive event engagement, established the company delivery model with a focus on enterprise customers, and architected the next-generation SpotMe platform, pivoting the company from proprietary hardware to a SaaS platform in 2011. He has been CEO since 2016 and focuses on creating and nurturing a culture that is grounded in curiosity, commitment, and transparency. Before joining SpotMe, Pierre worked with the NTT Communication Sciences Labs in Kyoto, Japan. Pierre is a graduate of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, and INSEAD.

Agenda Sessions

  • 3 Things You Need to Fix With Congresses Omnichannel Engagement
