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Main conference
9:00am - 9:30am
Registration & Networking
9:30am - 9:40am
Chairperson's Opening Remarks
9:40am - 10:00am
Global developments and trends in the PPLI and PPVA market
10:00am - 10:50am
Who’s involved? – Outlining the players in the policy
10:50am - 11:20am
Morning Coffee & Networking Break
11:20am - 12:05pm
Utilizing PPLI structures in cross-border planning
12:05pm - 12:50pm
Team player – using PPLI in conjunction with other structures
- How PPLI policies can work with other structures in an overall wealth management strategy
- E.g. trusts, family offices, offshore companies
- How to hold PPLI – what are the different ways you can own it?
- Case study: Trust holding a PPLI
12:50pm - 2:10pm
Networking Lunch
2:10pm - 2:55pm
Importance of family governance in wider wealth planning strategies
2:55pm - 3:25pm
Asset flexibility: passion assets in offshore structures
3:25pm - 3:50pm
Afternoon Coffee & Networking Break
3:50pm - 4:40pm
IDFs vs. SMAs - what to choose?
4:40pm - 5:25pm
Fund 101: understanding the engines that support the solution
- What advisors need to know about underlying investment
- What do different funds do and how can they complement each other?
5:25pm - 5:35pm
Chairperson's Closing Remarks
5:35pm - 7:05pm
Networking Drinks Reception
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