Quant Invest Summit
Optimise your portfolio, discover optimal strategies, manage your investments, and hear from LPs...
Monday 18 November 2024
Examine the latest strategies and techniques for enhancing quant funds
The Quant Invest Summit brings together experts and attendees from across the quant world to discuss the best techniques, achievements, and challenges in the space of quant funds.
Join the industry's leading fund managers and asset allocators. Hear from the best quant minds on how to navigate your quant fund through the current economic landscape. Gain investor perspectives on allocation strategy and market interest. See who else attends..
Designed for asset managers and insurers; what do investors look for in a quant fund, and what are the best strategies for investment? Stay up to date with the latest, and integrate the best solutions.
How the summit is broken down
The following topics make up the three main sections of the summit, each consisting of technical sessions, followed by an allocator-focused discussion of the topic