The evolution and challenges of State Price Transparency Reporting laws | Al Godley, ClassOne Insight

We spoke to Al Godley, VP of Customer Solutions at ClassOne Insight, about State Drug Price Transparency Laws and Reporting - the future, evolution and challenges of the laws.
Do you think there will be a federal mandate that will supersede any of the State Price Transparency Reporting (SPTR) laws in the future?
"No, we don't think there will be a SPTR-related federal law that supersedes the existing and upcoming state laws. There has been a small amount of SPTR-related activity at the federal level, but it has not gone far, and what has been considered would not supersede the state laws. If a federal law emerges in the future, it would likely be in addition to the state laws, not in place of them. These laws at the state level have already become so diverse and specific to individual states' interests that it wouldn't be feasible for the federal government to try to replace them."
What do you see regarding the evolution of SPTR laws and reporting that will impact the industry in the next several years?
"The SPTR domain has evolved rapidly over the past few years and will continue to grow and change. States will continue to add and modify legislation and their own systems that process submissions, so there will need to be continued innovation in how manufacturers manage their SPTR activities. Right now there are about 20 states with reporting requirements and at least 15 more considering relevant legislation, and there are also many pieces of adjacent or possibly-relevant legislation that could affect handling or interpretation of SPTR laws. Between clear SPTR laws and other possibly relevant legislation, we are currently tracking a total of 165 pieces of legislation in progress across all states! Of course some of that legislation won't come to fruition and impacts will be highly variable, but it is clear that this domain is continuing to expand."
What will be the major hurdles for manufacturers related to SPTR in the future?
"The expansion and evolution of the SPTR domain will continue to present big challenges for manufacturers for the foreseeable future. Therefore, manufacturers should use a structured and system-based approach to managing their SPTR activities. As with many other functional areas, manufacturers will need to make significant investment in managing SPTR activities, and there will be various options for using vendors' products and services to help this management. Because the SPTR domain is changing so much, it will be important for vendors to constantly track these changes and update their products and services as necessary. At ClassOne Insight, we will continue leading these innovations and serving many manufacturers."
What profession other than your own have you always wanted to attempt, and why?
"I have always loved barbeque and have spent my share of time with a grill and a smoker, so I might open a restaurant. I love the creativity of cooking, and I love seeing the happiness of people enjoying the results."
What city and location is your favorite for business travel and why?
"The Philadelphia area! It has always felt like the center of the pharma industry, and most of my travel there involves meeting industry colleagues at conferences or other events. I appreciated the camaraderie in the pharma industry, and I look forward to getting back to some in-person events later this year."
Al Godley is VP of Customer Solutions at ClassOne Insight, and one of the industry's leading experts on State Price Transparency Reporting. Earlier in his career, Al spent over 20 years at GSK, managing several commercial operations functions.
ClassOne Insight provides the most comprehensive solutions for State Price Transparency Reporting (SPTR) for pharmaceutical manufacturers. ClassOne combines domain expertise, technology, and services to enable compliance with diverse and evolving SPTR requirements. ClassOne has provided solutions for commercial operations functions to over 100 manufacturers.