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SuperReturn Global Infrastructure
30 September - 2 October 2025
Hilton BanksideLondon

Prof. Henrik von Scheel
Industry 4.0 Originator, Strategist, Futurist; Professor at Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business


Best known as one of the most influential futurists of our century who ignited the Digital and 4th Industrial Revolution themes of today.

Recognized as one of the foremost authority on strategy who has evolved the mainstream thinking and management practices of today´s businesses. His work is applied to over 24 national economies, influences GDP growth, triggers global themes, and has shaped the performance of 23% of the Fortune 500 the fastest-growing companies.

Henrik has dedicated 20 years to the study and research of strategy in the scientific disciplines of Patternicity, Statistical Analysis, and Probabilistic Analysis." He is a Professor at Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business.