Uwe FleischhauerFounding Partner and Member of the Executive Board at YIELCO InvestmentsPanellist, Moderator
Uwe Fleischhauer is Founding Partner and member of the Executive Board and Investment Committee of YIELCO Investments AG in Munich, Germany. YIELCO, established in 2011, is an innovative alternative investment service provider with focus on the asset classes Infrastructure, Private Debt and Private Equity, offering multi-manager portfolios, co-investments, and managed account solutions and advisory. The company presently manages approximately EUR 9.9 billion in aggregate capital commitments from institutional investors.
Before YIELCO, Uwe worked almost 14 years (1998 to 2011) in his own Private Equity advisory firm Fleischhauer, Hoyer & Partner (FHP), Private Equity Consultants, as independent consultant and advisor for institutional investors.
Uwe performed advisory and consulting projects for institutional investors around the asset class Private Equity including all sub-segments as well as Infrastructure. He has been one of Germany’s most respected independent researchers and published on a regular basis market surveys and studies on current topics in Private Equity and Infrastructure.
Beforehand, Uwe was over seven years a management consultant / project leader at the international consulting firms Arthur D. Little and Mercer Management Consulting. He graduated in Business Administration from University of Bremen, followed by a postgraduate degree in “European Enterprise Management” at Dorset Business School in Bournemouth (England) and University of Barcelona (Spain).