Summits Day
Location: Charlottenberg
What is the current and future value proposition of the asset class?
Location: Charlottenberg
Giving investors access to an increasingly nuanced liquidity toolkit - what are the pros and cons of single asset continuation funds, minority recaps, NAV loans, securitisations, preferred equity financings, semi liquid funds?
Location: Charlottenberg
Location: Charlottenberg
Will GP led transactions continue to dominate as more deals come to market? Which segments of the GP-led market offer the better risk/return profile and how can investors navigate the competitive environment and leverage the opportunities to achieve their desired diversification?
Location: Charlottenberg
Location: Charlottenberg
Aligning price expectations to bridge the valuation gap between the sell-side and the buy-side and successfully negotiating the allocation of transaction expenses. How can investors protect their interests? How effective are the existing regulatory and market mechanisms in addressing continuation fund conflicts as best practices for continuation funds continue to evolve?
Location: Charlottenberg
More flexibility, diversification and ease of investment, plus enhanced market access, driving the democratisation of the asset class
Location: Charlottenberg
Location: Charlottenberg
What will happen to continuation vehicles when the green shoots of recovery in PE markets start the flywheel turning again?
Location: Charlottenberg
Where are the opportunities and what are the potential conflicts of interest?
Location: Charlottenberg