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SuperReturn Japan
3-4 December 2025
The Ritz-CarltonTokyo

Pamela Fung
Partner at Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners


Pamela is a partner and investment committee member for the Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners Private Equity Fund group and has 18 years of industry experience. Prior to joining the firm, Pamela was a management consultant with McKinsey & Company's corporate finance practice in Hong Kong, responsible for investment opportunity identification, deal advisory, merger management and strategy development. Previously, she was a management consultant with Monitor Group, specializing in marketing strategy for clients across Asia, and a member of the corporate finance team with Lehman Brothers in Hong Kong. Pamela has a Law degree (first class honors) from the University of Hong Kong and an M.B.A. with honors in finance and management from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Agenda Sessions

  • Global private markets in review: where to from here?

  • Opportunity knocks: generating value through co-investments
