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SuperReturn Japan
3-4 December 2025
The Ritz-CarltonTokyo

Teneo Partners


Teneo Partners Japan Limited (“Teneo Partners”) offers an array of distribution and marketing solutions for asset managers looking to raise capital from Japanese investors. We provide three principal service offerings.

Comprehensive Fund Placement
active, full-service marketing of offshore funds to Japanese investors

Global Fund Bank
digital data rooms for capital introduction to Japanese investors

Customized Distribution Solutions
innovative offering of unbundled marketing and regulatory support services to asset managers

Teneo Partners is a fully licensed securities company, registered with the Japan Financial Services Agency as a Financial Instruments Business Operator, authorized to engage in the business of Type 1 Financial Instruments (corporate or trust structures) and Type 2 Financial Instruments (partnership structures). We work with asset managers across all asset classes and categories. Our business plan as submitted and approved by the Kanto Finance Bureau of the Financial Services Agency permits us to market all manner of fund products to all investor categories including, and without limitation to, financial institutions, pensions, corporates, endowments, individual investors, intermediaries and gatekeepers.

Teneo Partners grew out of a recognized need for a regulatory compliant platform that would be comprehensive yet flexible enough to provide the kinds of customized services sought by asset managers looking to penetrate the investor market in Japan. We are uniquely positioned to offer innovative placement, marketing, service and structural solutions to those asset managers who are looking to profit from the capital raising opportunities in Japan. We work with a wide range of managers; from those focusing on listed assets to those who manage private assets. The funds we place in Japan span the entire asset class spectrum including long-only mutual funds, hedge funds, private equity funds, real estate funds, direct lending funds, infrastructure funds and venture capital funds.

Teneo Partners strives to be the premier cross border fund marketing firm in Japan. Our goal is to become a principal conduit between Japanese investors and managers throughout the world. We represent some of the most highly respected asset managers globally and through our understanding of the local investors, help them match their marketing plans and product offerings to the needs of the various investor segments.

We're bringing you

  • Chair's opening address

  • Chair's welcome back address

  • Chair’s closing remarks and then end of Day One

  • Chair’s welcome address

  • 司会者による歓迎の挨拶

  • Chair's closing remarks and the end of SuperReturn Japan 2024

  • 司会者による結びの挨拶とSuperReturn Japan 2024の終了
