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SuperReturn Japan
3-4 December 2025
The Ritz-CarltonTokyo

Meet & Network

Guarantee time in front of LPs through the One-to-One Meeting Package.

View the list of attending LPs in advance, pre-select those you would most like to meet and let us do the rest! You’ll arrive at SuperReturn Japan with a full schedule of meetings with LPs organised by our VIP team.

We use our strong relationships with LPs globally to ensure you get time in their diaries. We will only set up a meeting if it's of mutual interest.

Or why not hire a private meeting space to get deals done?

Shape the debate

Have your voice heard by senior executives in the Japanese private capital community and beyond.

Options include:

  • give a keynote address to the wider audience
  • join a high profile panel debate
  • chair or present a session on a more focused topic

Raise your profile

It's tough to be heard above the noise. We can help you do it.

Whether it’s in the conference room, on delegate badges, bags, the conference networking app, or the WiFi, we’ll make it work for you. Let us know your ideas too!

If you’re bringing a new product to market, a space within the exhibition is a fantastic way to demo your service to your prime audience.

The exhibition area is located within the busy area where all networking breaks are held. Maximising the visibility of your business, your brand and your employees.

Host a social

Host a targeted or wider gathering at breakfast, lunch or dinner. In a high or low profile way. It's up to you.

Just let us know who your key clients are and we'll invite them for you. Or host the entire SuperReturn Japan audience to really make your mark.

Reach the world's private equity and venture capital community all year round

SuperReturn blog allows you to connect with your buyers any time, any place.

Generate leads, raise your profile, prove your thought leadership and expertise.....whatever it is, our expert digital team will work with you to get you what you want.

Options include:

Get in touch

Tell us what you need and we will help you achieve it. Get in touch with Rishi Jugdhur on or +44 (0)20 8052 0433.