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21-23 October 2025
The Ritz-Carlton, DIFCDubai
21-23 October 2025
The Ritz-Carlton, DIFC,

Real Estate, Infrastructure and Energy Summit

Make the most out of your time in Dubai by attending our summit day

Key market drivers, trends and investment opportunities in real estate, infrastructure and energy.

Why attend?

Why do these sectors make such an attractive investment opportunity?

What have been the most significant deals and how do you mitigate market volatility to preserve returns?

Will real estate, energy and infrastructure eventually evolve into mainstream asset classes and become an indispensable necessity in a diversified investor portfolio?

Plus spotlight sessions on renewables and REITs.

21-23 October 2025
The Ritz-Carlton, DIFC,

Register your place today

You'll also save an additional £500 when booked with the main conference