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SuperReturn US West
15 - 17 September, 2025
Hilton Los Angeles Universal CityLos Angeles

Darrell Crate
Founder and Managing Principal at Easterly Asset Management


Darrell is the Managing Principal at Easterly, which he founded in 2009. Darrell serves as the Chairman of the Boardof Directors of Easterly Government Properties, Inc., a NYSE-listed company. Prior to founding Easterly, he served asthe Chief Financial Officer of Affiliated Managers Group, Inc., a publicly traded asset management holding companywhich grew through acquisition. Darrell currently serves as a Trustee Emeritus of Bates College. Darrell earned hisB.A. from Bates College and his M.B.A. from Columbia Business School.

Agenda Sessions

  • State of the market: how does private equity move forwards in a dislocated market?
