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SuperReturn Asia
24 - 27 September 2024
Marina Bay Sands Convention CentreSingapore

Rajat Tandon
President at IVCA


As President of the Indian Venture and Alternate Capital Association (IVCA), Rajat Tandon plays a pivotal role in advocating for public policies that drive the development and growth of the Indian Alternate Asset ecosystem. He champions the mobilization of capital pools to strengthen the sector. His leadership is key to representing the interests of the alternate asset industry to government stakeholders and policymakers, focusing on elevating India’s profile as a global hub for alternate asset investing.

Before joining IVCA, Rajat lead NASSCOM’s '10K Start-ups' initiative, which was pivotal in nurturing and scaling technology start-ups across India. His extensive experience encompasses leadership roles in IT & Telecom, Geographic Information Systems - Automobile navigation, marked by achievements in technical support, sales, and strategic initiative management.

Agenda Sessions

  • All eyes on India: the new star of the show?
