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TMRE @ Home
April 22-April 24, 2025

Agenda in Eastern Time

Rachael Settipani
Associate Principal at Applied Marketing Science


Rachael Settipani is an associate principal in the Insights for Innovation practice at Applied Marketing Science (AMS), where she helps companies use research and insights to create more successful products, services and customer experiences. With significant experience in consumer, medical and B2B markets, Rachael is involved with overseeing all aspects of research projects, including exploratory research, survey design, survey fielding, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, and report development. She has experience managing both domestic and international research engagements and has led some of AMS’s most complex qualitative projects.

Rachael has also been instrumental in developing AMS’s machine learning methodology, which was the basis for a study with Boston Children’s Hospital that received a Quirk’s Marketing Research and Insight Excellence Award. Rachael was an honoree on the 2023 GreenBook Future List, recognizing her as an emerging leader in the insights community.

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