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TP Minds Canada
April 28 - 29, 2025
One King West Hotel & ResidenceToronto

Doane Grant Thornton


At Doane Grant Thornton, transfer pricing is more than a tax compliance exercise – it’s a unique opportunity to drive business value and foster growth. As a critical tax obligation for all multinational companies, the transfer pricing group at Doane Grant Thornton specializes in planning, implementing, documenting and defending transfer pricing positions to actually drive business value. We support organizations in all areas of transfer pricing—from complex planning, to navigating documentation frameworks, to defending transfer pricing positions at the field, appeals, and competent authority levels.

The Doane Grant Thornton transfer pricing group is unique in the marketplace, offering a full scope of services balanced by a highly personal and customized approach. With 35 practitioners including six partners and principals, our transfer pricing practice in Canada is one of the largest in the country.

We're bringing you

  • Networking Drinks Reception Hosted by Doane Grant Thornton
