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Returning 23 - 24 September 2025
Venue TBCLondon, UK

Edward Roberts
Director at Fidelity International


Edward is the Director of European Product Development at Fidelity Investments and has the responsibility for Product Governance and Regulatory Product Oversight. As part of these responsibilities is the oversight and production of the annual Value Assessment for the Fidelity Fund ranges as well as being the Operational Level Consumer Duty Champion for the UK Boards.

Edward studied Biology and Computer Sciences at Portsmouth University and has 25 years of industry experience. He joined Fidelity in February 2020 after spending 2 years at GAM where he headed the UK Product Development team and prior to that spent 5 years at BNY Mellon Asset Management where he was the lead product strategist for the international Asset Management business.

Agenda Sessions

  • Navigating changing Consumer Duty requirements
