Using Design Thinking for a Family Glamping Trip

'How can we make our marketing research projects even
better'? is a question we often ask ourselves here at April Bell Research Group. So, it's awesome when you find a framework to
do just that! I first learned about Design Thinking from Lisa Helminiak, founder of a
human-centered design firm, Azul 7. We met at a women-owned businesstraining event, where she turned me on
to some great resources from Stanford's Institute ofDesign: d.school.
better'? is a question we often ask ourselves here at April Bell Research Group. So, it's awesome when you find a framework to
do just that! I first learned about Design Thinking from Lisa Helminiak, founder of a
human-centered design firm, Azul 7. We met at a women-owned businesstraining event, where she turned me on
to some great resources from Stanford's Institute ofDesign: d.school.
Since then, we have
used this thinking in many of our research projects. When I heard about Azul 7's Design Thinking Workshop/Bootcamp, I decided to trek up to Minneapolis to attend. I wanted to deepen my
understanding and find new ways to implement it into our research
practice. What I discovered is that
Design-Thinking is more than a 'process', it's a way of life.
used this thinking in many of our research projects. When I heard about Azul 7's Design Thinking Workshop/Bootcamp, I decided to trek up to Minneapolis to attend. I wanted to deepen my
understanding and find new ways to implement it into our research
practice. What I discovered is that
Design-Thinking is more than a 'process', it's a way of life.
This mindset includes:
- Focusing on what others need
- Feeling free to experiment while working through
a process - Getting really clear about what you're trying to
solve. - Having a 'bias toward action'
- Radial collaboration
It's a simple process to reshape thinking. You state the challenge, and then
follow 5 steps ' Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test ' to elevate
creative thinking.
follow 5 steps ' Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test ' to elevate
creative thinking.
'Creativity is an
essential skill for leaders trying to make a difference. Yet developing the
ability to think and act creatively remains a thorny challenge. While there's a
hunger for skill development, elevating creative confidence doesn't happen via
traditional modes of executive education.' Tim Brown, IDEO's President and CEO
essential skill for leaders trying to make a difference. Yet developing the
ability to think and act creatively remains a thorny challenge. While there's a
hunger for skill development, elevating creative confidence doesn't happen via
traditional modes of executive education.' Tim Brown, IDEO's President and CEO
Here's how I incorporated Design Thinking as I planned my
trip to the Boot Camp!
trip to the Boot Camp!
State the Challenge: How can
I take 3+ days away for training when I have so many obligations with work and
I take 3+ days away for training when I have so many obligations with work and
The Steps:
- Empathize
' immerse yourself, observe what people are doing, how they're doing it and
why. Discover other's views. Sidenote: this is MUCH easier to do
professionally as a moderator than it is with your immediate family!!! But here's what I got from the 'empathy
gathering' stage:
My husband and daughter didn't want me to drag
them along on a trip where I was unavailable for most of the day.
My husband and daughter didn't want me to drag
them along on a trip where I was unavailable for most of the day.
They also didn't want me to go on a trip unless
it was a 'real vacation.'
They also didn't want me to go on a trip unless
it was a 'real vacation.'
They wanted to go 'camping' ' I did not.
They wanted to go 'camping' ' I did not.
I didn't want to feel guilty about going.
I didn't want to feel guilty about going.
I wanted to create a great experience for
I wanted to create a great experience for
- Define
' this is tricky because you're still not solving ' you're just unpacking what
you learned, and getting clarity on WHAT needs to be solved. 'Unpack' all of
your learnings, then translate these into a Point of View statement ' (User) 'needs' (Need) 'because' (Insight)

My definition:
My definition:
The Family
(User) needs'
'to find individual
activities while vacationing together (Need) because'
'we want
to be together yet have our own idea of what 'fun' looks like! (Insight)
- Ideate ' our 'family' brainstorm looked a little different than the typical innovation ideation sessions we facilitate with our clients but let's just say our little familia 'tried' to build on each other's ideas. And we 'tried' not to judge each other's opinions (some of us were better than others but I'm not pointing any fingers!) And, my 5 year old is DEFINITELY the most creative and best 'ideator' of the family!
- Prototype
' You stop talking (and thinking) in this step - and start building. It's a challenge because our nature ' at
least mine ' is to get it right, get it perfect before showing others. This
step forces the reverse thinking. To get
better, you must build/create something to test SO THAT IT CAN get better for
the user! - Test ' Then,
we tested our first ever 10-day Family Glamping + Training trip! Our user testing was 'doing it.' Would we do it differently next time? Yes, we would tweak a few things like making
sure our A/C in the camper was working properly before departing. And allowing 2 weeks for the trip, not 10
days'but we learned a lot. This was our
to Des Moines, IA where we played with our friends, then left our daughter +
camper to play longer.
to Des Moines, IA where we played with our friends, then left our daughter +
camper to play longer.
and I drove on to Minneapolis where I attended Azul's Design-Thinking Boot Camp and
hubby happily biked in a city with some of the best biking trails in the US.
and I drove on to Minneapolis where I attended Azul's Design-Thinking Boot Camp and
hubby happily biked in a city with some of the best biking trails in the US.
we made our way back home, picking up our daughter and camper in Iowa
we made our way back home, picking up our daughter and camper in Iowa
Here's a visual map we made
with Fotor, another fun tool we've added to our tool kit. That
and PicMonkey are
both great at quickly helping you bring
ideas to life visually for 'quick DIY design needs.'
with Fotor, another fun tool we've added to our tool kit. That
and PicMonkey are
both great at quickly helping you bring
ideas to life visually for 'quick DIY design needs.'
Loved the Boot
Camp. And Design Thinking has not only enhanced our innovation projects but
also helped us create a mindset for innovation in our boutique business and even personally!
Camp. And Design Thinking has not only enhanced our innovation projects but
also helped us create a mindset for innovation in our boutique business and even personally!