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Winnipeg Real Estate Forum
2026 Dates & Venue TBD
Winnipeg, Canada

Jessica Floresco
Chief Operating Officer at Forks North Portage Partnership


Jessica Floresco oversees all operations for The Forks and North Portage Development Corporation with over 10 years of experience in leadership, team development, and business experience. Jessica is a proud member of the Metis and Indigenous community and holds a degree in environmental conservation. She brings her passion and knowledge for sustainability and stewardship to all aspects of her work at The Forks.

The Forks is Manitoba’s most-visited destination, located in the heart of downtown Winnipeg at the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine rivers. The 52-acre site, formerly a derelict rail yard, is home to beautiful river views, an all-local retail market and food hall, tremendously popular indoor and outdoor beer and wine offerings, impressive public art, renowned winter activities, and is the site of over 350 community events each year. Its history runs deep – for over 6,000 years we know Indigenous peoples from all over the continent have traversed the rivers to converge at what is now The Forks.

In her role as Chief Operating Officer, Jessica manages many different diverse teams and business units at The Forks, from community safety and security to parking, maintenance, and placemaking. In her work, Jessica also oversees all special projects and initiatives. This includes The Forks upcoming residential development: Railside, with phase one beginning in 2024 that will see 10 apartment and condo buildings constructed on surface parking lots at The Forks. Railside will be “more of The Forks” with public courtyards and walkways, local businesses, green spaces, and public art.

Jessica is committed to using her voice, leadership role, and influence to help create a thriving business for the economic, social, and environmental benefit of the community.

Beyond her formal work, Jessica is a former Team Canada Football player, a Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce board member, and mother to her son Vincent.

Agenda Sessions

  • What does downtown revitalization mean for office, retail and multi-family?
